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My name is Joseph Martin and I was born and bred in Dublin, Ireland, a good number of years ago, and I am the Photographer behind the House Of Joseph Photography.

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I’ve been involved with photography for nearly 30 years now having first started out wanting to work as a television cameraman because it looked so exciting to be in a television studio. Unfortunately at the time there was no job vacancies in that area but from the course that I did I discovered that I had another interest in still photography and moved on to study that full time.

Of course at that time we used film cameras, and I’ve used all the main film formats from 35mm to 5×4 sheet film. I first started using Photoshop (version 3, not CS3!!) around 1997/98 during my main College Photography course training as a Photographic Assistant. The course covered all aspects of photography from developing black & white film and hand printing in the darkroom, to using a full photographic studio set up.

As a result of that course I have worked in a professional photographic lab in Dublin, hand printing from slides, as well as black & white printing for a couple of years in the early 2000’s. We were actually the only lab in Ireland that did colour hand prints from slides (transparencies) in the darkroom. Which has greatly helped me when colour correcting images in Photoshop.

I have since moved on from my Darkroom days and I completed a 2 year full time HND in Graphic Design in Ballyfermot College as well as several shorter courses covering design for print and web, as I’ve always been interested in a creative career, either photographing or designing my own work. So with the emergence of these photographic websites I now have an outlet for my work. I hope you will enjoy the work as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it.

Thanks for reading.

Joseph Martin